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Friday 14 June 2013

Pasu Seramik Hand make


Pasu Seramik Hand Maker

Jangan bazirkan duit anda utk barangn tembaga. Disini km menjual barang seramik serupa mcm tembaga, tak perlu la kita bazir duit utk bli brg tembaga yg mahal

Jangan lepas kan peluang !!!


Sesuai utk di letak di sudut rumah.
tinggi lebih kurang satu kaki. Sesuai di ganding kn dengan bunga ranting.

Sesuai di letakkan di sudut ruang tamu mahu pn di dalam bilik. Tinggi pasu dalam satu kaki setengah.

Lampu Sudut

Setinggi dua setengah kaki lebih sesuai di letakkan sudut ruang tamu atau di sudut tangga.

Sebarang pertanyaan boleh la tinggal kn komen anda serta email di

Thursday 13 October 2011


The delay between submission and job completion (call
turnaround time) may result from the amount of computing needed, or
from delays before the operating system start to process the job.
The introduction of disk technology has help in this regard. Rather
then the cards being read from the card reader directly into memory
and then the job being process, cards are read directly from the card
reader onto the disk. The location of card images is recorded in a table
kept by the operating system. When the job is executed, the operating
systems satisfy its requests for card reader input by reading from the
disk. Similarly, when the job request to output a line, that line is
copied into a system buffer and is written to the disk. When the job is
completed the output is actually printed. This form of processing is
called spooling.



In a multiprogramming system, the available main memory is
generally shared among a number of processes. Typically it is not possible
for programmer to know in advance which are the programs that will
reside in the memory during the execution time of a program. In addition
we would like to be able to swap active processes in and out of main
memory to maximize processors usage by providing a large pool of ready
processes to execute.
Each process should be protected against unwanted interference by
other processes, whether accidental or intentional. Thus, programs in
other processes should not be able to reference memory locations in a
process, for reading and writing purposes without permission
Virtual memory can also work in a multiprogramming system. For example
eight 1M programs can each be allocated a 256K partition in a 2M memory,
which each program operating as though it had its own, private 256K machine.
In fact virtual memory multiprogramming fit together very well. While a
program is waiting for part of itself to be swapped in, it is waiting for I/O and
cannot run so the CPU can be given to another process.
The main problem of contagious allocation is external
fragmentation. This is overcome in the present scheme. Here a process is
allocated the physical memory where ever it is available, and this scheme
is call as paging scheme.
In the basic method physical memory is broken into fix size block
call frame. The logical memory also broken into block of the same size
called pages.

Every address generate by the CPU is divided into parts: a page
number (P) and a page offset (d). The page number p is use as an index
into a page table. The page table contains the base address of each page
lying in physical memory. The base address read from page table is
combining with page offset (d) to generate the physical memory address.
Before we consider ways of dealing with the shortcomings of partitioning,
we must clear up one loose end, which relates to the placement of processes in
memory. When the fix partition scheme is used, we can expect that a process
will always be a sign to the same partition. That is, the partition that is selected
when a new process is loaded will always be used to swapped the process back
into memory after it has been swapped up. When the process is first loaded all
relative memory references in the code are replaced by absolute main memory
addresess determine by the base address of the loaded process.
Now, consider that a process in memory include instructions plus data.
The instructions will contain memory references of the following two types;

some arithmetics and logical instructions.
Addresses of data items, used in load and store instructions and

instructions.Addresses of instructions, used for branching and called


File system management objectives
A file management system is that set of system software that provides
services to users and applications related to the use of files.

include storage of data and the ability to perform the operations listed

Concept and design

The operating system abstract from the physical
properties of its storage devices to define a logical storage unit, the file. File are
mapped, by the operating system, on to physical devices. This storage device are
usually non volatile, so the contents are persistent thru power failures and
systems reboots.

File directory
The directory is itself a file, owned
by the operating system and accessible by various to users and applications,
information is generally provided indirectly by system routines. Thus, users
cannot directly access the directory even in read-only mode

File Sharing
Access Rights
The file systems provide a flexible tool for the following extensive file sharing
among users. The file system should provide a number of options so that the
way in which a particular file is accessed can be controlled.

To meet the data-management needs and requirements of the user, whichTo guarantee, the extent possible that the data in the file are valid
This relieves the user or programmer of the necessity of developing
special purpose software for each application and provide the system with a
means of controlling its most important asset.[GROS86] suggests the following
objectives for file management system:


The delay between submission and job completion (call
turnaround time) may result from the amount of computing needed, or
from delays before the operating system start to process the job.
The introduction of disk technology has help in this regard. Rather
then the cards being read from the card reader directly into memory
and then the job being process, cards are read directly from the card
reader onto the disk. The location of card images is recorded in a table
kept by the operating system. When the job is executed, the operating
systems satisfy its requests for card reader input by reading from the
disk. Similarly, when the job request to output a line, that line is
copied into a system buffer and is written to the disk. When the job is
completed the output is actually printed. This form of processing is
called spooling.


Security policy and mechanism

The term security and protection are often used interchangeable.
Nevertheless, it is frequently useful to make a distinction between the general
problems involved in making sure that files are not read or modified by
unauthorized persons, which include technical, managerial, legal and political
issues on the one hand, and the specific operating system mechanism used to
provide security on the other to avoid confusion, we will use the term security to
refer to the overall problem, and the term protection mechanisms to refer to the
specific operating system mechanisms used to safeguard information in the
computer. The boundary between them is not well defined

Some common categories are:
1. Casual prying by non technical users. Many people have terminals to
timesharing systems on their desks, and human nature being what it is, some of
them will read other people’s electronic mail and other files if no barriers are
placed in the way. Most UNIX systems, for example, have the default that all
files are publicly readable.
Snooping by insiders. Student, systems programmers, operators, and other
technical personal often consider it to be a personal challenge to break the
security of the local computer system. They often are highly skilled and are
willing to devote a substantial amount of time to effort.
Determined attempt to make money. Some bank programmers have attempted
to break into a banking system to steal from the bank. Scheme have varied from
changing the software to truncate rather than round interest, keeping the fraction
of a cent for themselves, to siphoning off accounts not used in years, to


File system management objectives
A file management system is that set of system software that provides
services to users and applications related to the use of files.

include storage of data and the ability to perform the operations listed

Concept and design

The operating system abstract from the physical
properties of its storage devices to define a logical storage unit, the file. File are
mapped, by the operating system, on to physical devices. This storage device are
usually non volatile, so the contents are persistent thru power failures and
systems reboots.

File directory
The directory is itself a file, owned
by the operating system and accessible by various to users and applications,
information is generally provided indirectly by system routines. Thus, users
cannot directly access the directory even in read-only mode

File Sharing
Access Rights
The file systems provide a flexible tool for the following extensive file sharing
among users. The file system should provide a number of options so that the
way in which a particular file is accessed can be controlled.

To meet the data-management needs and requirements of the user, whichTo guarantee, the extent possible that the data in the file are valid
This relieves the user or programmer of the necessity of developing
special purpose software for each application and provide the system with a
means of controlling its most important asset.[GROS86] suggests the following
objectives for file management system:

tugasan 5

My preffered OS

Insert the Windows XP CD into your computer and restart your computer.
If prompted to start from the CD press SPACEBAR. If you miss the prompt, restart the computer.
Windows XP setup begins. During this portion of setup, your mouse will not work, so you will have to use your keyboard on the Welcome to Setup page, press ENTER.
On the Windows XP Licensing Agreement page, read licensing agreement. Press the page down key to read the full agreement. Then press F8.
This page enables you to select the hard disk drive on which Windows XP will be installed
Press ENTER to select UN partitioned space, which appears by default or you have previously
Press ENTER again to select Format the partition using the NTFS file system, which appears by default.
Windows XP erases hard disk drive using a process called formatting and then copies of setup files. You can leave your computer and run to 20 to 30 minutes.
Windows XP restarts and then continues with installation process. From this point forward, you can use your mouse. Eventually the Regional and Language Options page appears. Click Next to accept the default settings.
On the Personalize Your Software page type you name and you organization name. Then, click next.
On the Your Product Key page, type your product key as it appears on you Windows XP CD case. The product key is unique for every Window XP installation. Then, click next.
On the Computer Name and Administrator Password page in the computer name box, type a name that uniquely identifies your computer. Then type a strong Administrator password retypes it in the Confirm password box. Write the password down and store it in secure place. Click Next.
On the Date a Time Setting page set your computer’s clock. Then, click the Time Zone down arrow, and select your time zone. Click Next.
Windows XP will spend about a minute configuring your computer. On the Networking setting page click next.
On the Workgroup or Computer Domain page, click next.
Windows XP will spend 20 or 30 minutes configuring your computer and will automatically restart when finished. When the Display Setting dialog appears, click OK.
When the Monitor Settings dialog box appears, click OK.
The final of setup begins. On the Welcome to Microsoft Windows page click next.
On the Help protect your PC page, click Help protect my PC by turning on Automatic Updates now. Then, click next.
Select yes and After the Completion of this Process go to the User name and enter the User name.
Once the Configuration is completed restart your Computer.
After installing it, Just Insert the Windows 7 DVD and install it simply following the Microsoft Tutorial but Don’t remove the other Drive on which XP is installed.
Now after restarting your PC you will ask to start the OS windows Xp or Other OS.
Soon we guys will update you with How to install Mac OSx on Windows PC so stay tuned to us.

Sunday 11 September 2011


Permainan Congkak.
Congkak merupakan sejenis permainan tradisional yang sering dimainkan sebagai aktiviti dalaman atau sebagai pertandingan.

Latar Belakang

Congkak yang dipercayai berasal daripada dunia Afrika atau Arab, bergantung kepada teori mana yang anda percayai. Bagaimanapun, bukti tertua yang dijumpai oleh cari gali purba yang dibiayai oleh Persatuan National Geographic menjumpai kepingan batu kapur yang mempunyai dua liang selari bertarikh semenjak 5000 hingga 7000 SM di masa kini Jordan.Dari Timur Tengah, permainan ini tersebar ke Afrika. Congkak tersebar ke Asia melalui pedagang-pedagang Arab.Di Asia Tenggara, congkak mungkin berkembang dari Melaka memandangkan negeri ini merupakan pusat perdagangan pada waktu dahulu.

Kanak-kanak di Kepulauan Caribbean juga bermain congkak. Congkak dipercayai sampai ke sana melalui perdagangan hamba. Di sana, congkak dikenali sebagai warri atau awari. Di Indonesia, congkak dikenali dengan nama congklak, di Filipina, sungka.

Pada zaman dahulu, golongan istana bermain congkak dengan menggunakan papan congkak yang berukir mewah, sementara dikalangan rakyat jelata, ia sekadar dimainkan dengan mengorek lubang di dalam tanah. Pada hari ini, congkak dimainkan di seluruh dunia. Ia begitu popular dan diminati sehingga peminat-peminatnya mencipta pelbagai laman web di internet.

Dalam laman-laman web ini disenaraikan pelbagai maklumat tentang congkak dalam budaya dan bangsa di seluruh dunia. Kita juga dapat bermain congkak secara terus dengan mereka.Ini disebabkan permainan congkak melibatkan pengiraan. Mereka yang cekap mencongak mempunyai kelebihan mengumpul mata dan seterusnya memenangi permainan.

Dalam permainan congkak, terdapat dua bahan iaitu papan congkak dan buah congkak. Papan congkak boleh diperbuat daripada pelbagai jenis kayu dan terdapat lima atau tujuh lubang sebaris yang dikenali sebagai 'kampung' dan di kedua-dua hujungnya terdapat lubang ibu yang dikenali sebagai 'rumah'.

Dalam permainan ini, pemain akan memulakannya dengan serentak. Mereka akan mengambil buah congkak dan dimasukkan secara satu persatu buah congkak ke dalam setiap 'kampung' menuju ke rumah masing-masing menurut arah pusingan jam, sehingga salah seorang berhenti di lubang yang kosong dan dianggap mati. 'Rumah' kepunyaan sendiri terletak di lubang hujung sebelah kiri pemain. Pemain yang seorang lagi akan terus berjalan sehingga dia berhenti dilubang yang kosong. Dan selepas itu setiap pemain akan bergilir berjalan sehingga buahnya mati. Setiap pemain akan meneruskan permainan sehingga kehabisan buah congkak, dan pemain akan mengisi lubang dengan buah yang terdapat dalam lubang ibu. Pemain yang tidak cukup buah akan ditutup lubangnya, dan pemain yang menang dalam giliran sebelumnya akan memulakan permainan. Ini akan diulang sehingga salah seorang pemain tidak cukup buah bagi mengisi satu lubang sekalipun dan dianggap kalah, atau apabila kedua-dua pemain sudah bosan.

Sekiranya pemain telah membuat satu pusingan, iaitu melepasi lubang ibu dan kembali ke lubang sebelah pemain, ia boleh mengambil buah di sebelah lubang bertentangan sekiranya ia mati di sebelah sendiri. Ini dikenali sebagai "tembak".

Cara membuat permainan

Lazimnya dibuat dari kayu hutan seperti merbau, keruing, balau dan sebagainya. Terdapat juga papan congkak yang dibuat dari kayu rambutan, nangka dan sebagainya, mengikut kemampuan si tukang pembuat congkak.
Cara membuat congkak:

      Kayu ditebang menggunakan kapak dan dipotong mengikut kepanjangan papan congkak yang bergantung kepada lubang rumah yang dihasilkan kelak.
      Kayu yang masih buah dibelah dua bahagian. Hanya satu bahagian sahaja yang diperlukan dalam membuat congkak.
      Setelah dibelah, gergaji digunakan untuk mengerat lebihan kayu yang tidak terpakai. Parang atau pahat digunakan untuk melicinkan batang kayu tersebut.
      Kayu tersebut akan dipahat untuk membuat lubang. Lubang-lubang ditebuk dalam dua baris dan dinamakan ‘kampung’ yang mempunyai jumlah bilangan tertentu.
      Ditebuk satu lubang besar di kedua-dua hujung yang dikenali sebagai ‘rumah’.
      Pahat bermata halus digunakan untuk melicinkan lubang tersebut. Ini penting supaya tidak menggelikan jari-jari pemain sewaktu bermain.
      Setelah siap, papan tersebut akan diukir dengan pelbagai hiasan seperti bentuk tumbuh-tumbuhan, kosmos, geometri dan sebagainya.
      Papan congkak divarniskan dengan warna perang kekuningan, perang kemerahan, perang atau hitam.

Congkak juga dihasilkan daripada logam ataupun tanah di kawasan pendalaman. Tempurung kelapa digunakan supaya tangan tidak kotor terkena tanah.

Peraturan permainan

      Dua orang pemain duduk berhadapan menghadap papan congkak, dimulakan dengan kedua-dua pemain serentak mencapai buah di kampung masing-masing dan memasukkan buah satu demi satu di dalam lubang kampung dengan pergerakan dari kanan ke kiri hingga ke rumah dan kampung lawan.
      Gerakan diteruskan hingga buah yang terakhir pada tangan dimasukkan dalam kampung kosong di kawasan sendiri atau lawan dan pemain hendaklah berhenti, sekiranya buah itu jatuh atau mati di kampung sendiri. Pemain itu boleh menembak kampung lawan yang setentang dengan kampungnya iaitu mengaut kesemua buah (jika ada) di dalam kampung tersebut, hanya selepas membuat satu pusingan.
      Pihak lawan mengambil giliran meneruskan permainan hingga buahnya mati. Sekiranya buah terakhir jatuh di dalam rumah sendiri, pemain boleh meneruskan permainan dengan mengambil buah yang masih banyak di mana-mana kampung sendiri. Sekiranya buah terakhir jatuh di kampung kosong pihak lawan, maka permainan itu mati di situ sahaja dan pihak lawan boleh memulakan permainan seterusnya hingga mati.
      Sekiranya tidak terdapat sebarang buah di kampung pemain sungguhpun giliran berada dipihaknya, maka giliran untuk menggerakkan buah akan berpindah kepada pihak lawan.
      Setelah tamat pusingan pertama, setiap pemain mengisi semula kampung dengan buah congkak dan jika ada kampung yang tidak cukup buah, ia dianggap terbakar. Kampung ini tidak boleh diisi apabila bermain pada pusingan yang kedua, ketiga dan seterusnya hingga pihak lawan mengaku kalah. 
Cara- cara Bermain Congkak 

Perbezaan peraturan

Walaupun permainan congkak kelihatan sama dengan permainan lain yang berasaskan lubang dan buah seperti Manchala dan Sungka, terdapat beberapa perbezaan dari segi peraturan. Perbezaan utama ialah semasa permulaan permainan di mana permainan congkak bermula serentak antara kedua-dua pemain. Pengagihan buah dalam permainan congkak juga bergerak mengikut arah jam berbanding dengan permainan lain yang bergerak secara melawan arah jam.
Jenis- jenis Congkak